Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Creature Design 5 (presentation)

3/4 view is not finished but as we are about to move to the next exercise, I wanted to try out a fast presentation with the color scheme selected last time during lesson. I hope it doesn't look too shabby!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Creature Designs 4 (insects)

New color schemes, much better now thanks to Master's teaching (: and a quick zbrush blockout with dynamesh. I will get back with the 3/4 and the rendering for the head in a couple of days.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Creature Design 04

This week's. :)

On another note: Google stop messing with my artworks, please. They're perfect the way they are (well, hopefully they will be in the end ^_^)!

Insect Design / Lion Beattle

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Creature Design 3 (INSECTS!)

Color Schemes and quick sketches. I will catch up in the weekend with my fellow students as last week was incredibly hectic.

See you on friday!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Creature Design 03

More rendered details of my insect from different angles.
And a very messy sketch for the creature illustration (which apparently Blogger/Google decided to brighten a lot - maybe it got tired of my bad over-darkening habit):

Talk tonite!

Insect Creation First Approach

Dear Sirs.

I will finally participate tonight !!!! ;) see u then !!!!!!